4 Tips For a Fantastic Recital Performance

Recital season has officially arrived, so we wanted to offer some tips and advice to have a fantastic recital performance with a big smile on your face. Keep reading below!

4 Recital Tips

1. Repetition

The saying goes “practice makes perfect.” Fortunately this is true. When we repeat an action over and over it is committed to long term and muscle memory which makes it easier to recall. This means we can do it even if we’re nervous. Try turning this into a game with yourself. Can you play your song during a commercial break of a show? Can you say all the lyrics to the song in your head while you brush your teeth. Get creative. Repetition doesn’t have to mean sitting at the piano for an hour every day. What little moments can you find?

2. Tell the Story

All music is storytelling. Look for the clues in your music to help you tell it. What are your dynamic markings? If you’re singing – what do the lyrics say? Maybe you are playing the piano and don’t have any lyrics, but you can still make up a story you want to tell. Music gives us this chance. Have fun with following all those clues.

3. Rope in Friends and Family

If stage fright is a worry, make your friends and family help. Gather a couple of people you trust, like mom and dad, or a couple of friends, and perform your song for them. Getting to work out the jitters in front of a smaller group really helps.

4. Remember, this is FUN!

You have worked hard all year long and now have a chance to show off all that hard work! No matter if this is your first recital or you are old hat, it always takes courage to stand before people and share your hard work and talent. Remember: everyone who is listening is in awe that you are brave enough to get up there. Enjoy sharing your progress and talent!

I know we teachers at Forte are so proud of all our students, big and little, for their hard work. We hope some or all these tips help you prepare for a fantastic and fun recital performance.

We hope to see you there: Saturday, December 3rd at Duncan United Church on Ingram Street.